Phase Control Thyristors OLD Part Number WESTCODE Replacement

Power phase control thyristors, also known as Thyristor SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier), in disc design are press pack type general-purpose thyristors, regulating and converting DC and AC currents up to 5946A in circuits with voltages to 4500V (depends on the thyristor type).

Thyristors ATDN AS ENERGITM are a replacement, analog, alternative for presspacks electrical triggered thyristors WESTCODE.

"Air-cooled heatsinks O series for disc devices", "Air heatsink SF series", "Water heatsink SS series" for thyristor cooling are also available to order.

Part numbering guide for phase control thyristors

youtubeVideo: Reviews of high power disc thyristors

icon AS ENERGITM Semiconductors Manufacturing Reference

OLD Part Number is a product line of thyristors that have been discontinued and are no longer produced, AS ENERGITM offers analogues for OLD Part Number Thyristors WESTCODE.

Features: designed for high power industrial and power transmission applications; optimized for low on-state voltage drop; matched Qrr and VT values available for series and / or parallel connections.

The thyristor has an industry standard ceramic housing making it easy to integrate the device into existing equipment. This thyristor has a disc housing with pressure contacts. The polarity of the thyristor is determined by the icon on the case. The technical specifications, part numbering guide, datashets for thyristors are listed below.

Thyristors AS ENERGITM have the following features: low static and dynamic losses, high values of VDRM/VRRM, extensive experience of using the devices in various industries, range of voltages from 100 to 9000 V and amperages from 100 to 15000 A, high resistance to thermal and electric cycling, natural or forced air cooling.

Our company provides a quality guarantee for thyristors of 2 years from the date of purchase. When supplying thyristors, if necessary, we provide technical passport and certificate of conformity.

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The final price of phase control thyristors depends on the voltage class, quantity, delivery terms, manufacturer, country of origin and form of payment.

General specifications of OLD Part Number Phase Control Thyristors WESTCODE and Replacements

ITSM I2t VT0 rT Tvj max RthJK Case Dimensions
Data sheet
Part No. Old Part No. V A A A2·s V mΩ ºC K/W mm PDF
N0194WC120 N086CH12 1200 194 1700 14.5x103 1.570 2.290 125 0.135 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0194WC120
N0194WC160 N086CH16 1600 194 1700 14.5x103 1.570 2.290 125 0.135 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0194WC160
N0255WC120 N105CH12 1200 255 2450 30.0x103 0.900 1.790 125 0.135 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0255WC120
N0255WC160 N105CH16 1600 255 2450 30.0x103 0.900 1.790 125 0.135 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0255WC160
N0339WC120 N170CH12 1200 339 4200 88.2x103 1.080 1.300 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0339WC120
N0339WC160 N170CH16 1600 339 4200 88.2x103 1.080 1300 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0339WC160
N0392WC120 N195CH12 1200 392 4650 108x103 0.920 0.990 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0392WC120
N0392WC160 N195CH16 1600 392 4650 108x103 0.920 0.990 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0392WC160
N0491WC020 N275CH02 200 491 6000 180x103 0.850 0.535 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0491WC020
N0491WC080 N275CH08 800 491 6000 180x103 0.850 0.535 125 0.095 W8 42x19x14 ATDN0491WC080
N0606YS200 N282SH20 2000 606 7100 252x103 1.103 0.804 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0606YS200
N0616LC400 N255CH40 4000 616 5250 138x103 1.220 1.530 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0616LC400
N0616LC450 N255CH45 4500 616 5250 138x103 1.220 1.530 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0616LC450
N0634LC380 N257CH38 3800 634 7000 245x103 1.100 1.500 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0634LC380
N0634LC420 N257CH42 4200 634 7000 245x103 1.100 1.500 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0634LC420
N0646LC300 N260CH30 3000 646 5700 162x103 1.210 1.360 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0646LC300
N0646LC360 N260CH36 3600 646 5700 162x103 1.210 1.360 125 0.032 W10 58x34x27 ATDN0646LC360
N0676YS120 N281SH12 1200 676 7500 281x103 1.090 0.587 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0676YS120
N0676YS180 N281SH18 1800 676 7500 281x103 1.090 0.587 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0676YS180
N0734YS120 N280SH12 1200 734 8400 353x103 1.030 0.483 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0734YS120
N0734YS160 N280SH16 1600 734 8400 353x103 1.030 0.483 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0734YS160
N0782YS120 N283SH12 1200 782 9420 444x103 0.920 0.450 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0782YS120
N0782YS140 N283SH14 1600 782 9420 444x103 0.920 0.450 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0782YS140
N0882NC400 N320CH40 4000 882 7700 296x103 1.300 0.920 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN0882NC400
N0882NC450 N320CH45 5000 882 7700 296x103 1.300 0.920 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN0882NC450
N0910LS200 N330SH20 2000 910 9200 423x103 1.040 0.606 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN0910LS200
N0910LS260 N330SH26 2600 910 9200 423x103 1.040 0.606 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN0910LS260
N0992YS020 N310SH02 200 992 11000 605x103 0.820 0.240 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0992YS020
N0992YS060 N310SH06 600 992 11000 605x103 0.820 0.240 125 0.050 W9 42x25x14 ATDN0992YS060
N1010NC300 N360CH30 3000 1010 12100 732x103 1.170 0.687 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1010NC300
N1010NC380 N360CH38 3800 1010 12100 732x103 1.170 0.687 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1010NC380
N1042LS120 N350SH12 1200 1042 11500 661x103 1.080 0.395 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1042LS120
N1042LS180 N350SH18 1800 1042 11500 661x103 1.080 0.395 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1042LS180
N1114LS120 N370SH12 1200 1114 12700 806x103 1.000 0.349 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1114LS120
N1114LS180 N370SH18 1800 1114 12700 806x103 1.000 0.349 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1114LS180
N1132NC300 N390CH30 3000 1132 14300 1.02x106 1.150 0.51 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1132NC300
N1159NC380 N500CH38 3800 1159 14500 1.05x106 1.100 0.574 125 0.022 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1159NC380
N1159NC420 N500CH42 4200 1159 14500 1.05x106 1.100 0.574 125 0.022 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1159NC420
N1265LS120 N520SH12 1200 1226 15000 1.13x106 0.883 0.297 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1265LS120
N1265LS160 N520SH16 1600 1226 15000 1.13x106 0.883 0.297 125 0.032 W10a 58x34x27 ATDN1265LS160
N1297NS200 N450SH20 2000 1297 17600 1.55x106 1.030 0.38 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1297NS200
N1297NS260 N450SH26 2600 1297 17600 1.55x106 1.030 0.38 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1297NS260
N1314NC300 N570CH30 3000 1314 16600 1.38x106 1.000 0.437 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1314NC300
N1314NC360 N570CH36 3600 1314 16600 1.38x106 1.000 0.437 125 0.024 W11 74x46x27 ATDN1314NC360
N1351VC400 N560CH40 4000 1351 17500 1.53x106 1.200 0.553 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1351VC400
N1351VC450 N560CH45 4500 1351 17500 1.53x106 1.200 0.553 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1351VC450
N1467NS200 N490SH20 2000 1467 21500 2.31x106 1.000 0.272 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1467NS200
N1467NS260 N490SH26 2600 1467 21500 2.31x106 1.000 0.272 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1467NS260
N1479NS240 N620SH24 2400 1436 21000 2.21x106 1.000 0.342 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1479NS240
N1479NS300 N620SH30 3000 1436 21000 2.21x106 1.000 0.342 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1479NS300
N1547NS160 N510SH16 1600 1547 23300 2.71x106 0.92 0.252 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1547NS160
N1547NS200 N510SH20 2000 1547 23300 2.71x106 0.92 0.252 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1547NS200
N1588NS200 N680SH20 2000 1588 22500 2.53x106 0.951 0.268 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1588NS200
N1588NS260 N680SH26 2600 1588 22500 2.53x106 0.951 0.268 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1588NS260
N1661VC300 N630CH30 3000 1661 23000 2.65x106 1.040 0.35 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1661VC300
N1661VC360 N630CH36 3600 1661 23000 2.65x106 1.040 0.35 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1661VC360
N1712VC240 N640CH24 2400 1712 24500 3.00x106 1.050 0.32 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1712VC240
N1712VC300 N640CH30 3000 1712 24500 3.00x106 1.050 0.32 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN1712VC300
N1718NS120 N540SH12 1200 1718 27200 3.70x106 0.979 0.169 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1718NS120
N1718NS180 N540SH18 1800 1718 27200 3.70x106 0.979 0.169 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1718NS180
N1802NS120 N600SH12 1200 1802 29600 4.38x106 0.855 0.171 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1802NS120
N1802NS160 N600SH16 1600 1802 29600 4.38x106 0.855 0.171 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN1802NS160
N2046NS120 N740SH12 1200 2046 29200 4.26x106 0.98 0.114 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN2046NS120
N2046NS160 N740SH16 1600 2046 29200 4.26x106 0.98 0.114 125 0.022 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN2046NS160
N2086NS060 N610SH06 600 2086 35000 6.13x106 0.84 0.108 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN2086NS060
N2086NS100 N610SH10 1000 2086 35000 6.13x106 0.84 0.108 125 0.024 W11a 74x46x27 ATDN2086NS100
N2172ZC400 N750CH40 4000 2172 28000 3.92x106 1.350 0.294 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2172ZC400
N2172ZC450 N750CH45 4500 2172 28000 3.92x106 1.350 0.294 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2172ZC450
N2172ZD400 N750DH40 4000 2172 28000 3.92x106 1.350 0.294 125 0.011 W46 110x73x37 ATDN2172ZD400
N2172ZD450 N750DH45 4500 2172 28000 3.92x106 1.350 0.294 125 0.011 W46 110x73x37 ATDN2172ZD450
N2293VC180 N760CH18 1800 2293 33800 5.71x106 0.956 0.148 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN2293VC180
N2293VC220 N760CH22 2200 2293 33800 5.71x106 0.956 0.148 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN2293VC220
N2418ZC300 N850CH30 3000 2418 30000 4.50x106 1.160 0.246 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2418ZC300
N2418ZC360 N850CH36 3600 2418 30000 4.50x106 1.160 0.246 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2418ZC360
N2500VC120 N990CH12 1200 2500 37000 6.85x106 0.88 0.124 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN2500VC120
N2500VC160 N990CH16 1600 2500 37000 6.85x106 0.88 0.124 125 0.017 W12 102x63x34 ATDN2500VC160
N2543ZC240 N880CH24 2400 2543 32000 5.12x106 0.78 0.274 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2543ZC240
N2543ZC300 N880CH30 3000 2543 32000 5.12x106 0.78 0.274 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN2543ZC300
N3012ZC200 N900CH20 2000 3012 45100 10.2x106 0.92 0.16 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN3012ZC200
N3012ZC260 N900CH26 2600 3012 45100 10.2x106 0.92 0.16 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN3012ZC260
N3476TC360 N1463CH36 3600 3476 46800 10.95x106 0.97 0.18 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN3476TC360
N3476TC420 N1463CH42 4200 3476 46800 10.95x106 0.97 0.18 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN3476TC420
N3476TD360 N1463DH36 3600 3476 46800 10.95x106 0.97 0.18 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN3476TD360
N3476TD420 N1463DH42 4200 3476 46800 10.95x106 0.97 0.18 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN3476TD420
N3533ZC140 N1400CH14 1400 3533 50000 12.50x106 0.97 0.095 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN3533ZC140
N3533ZC220 N1400CH22 2200 3533 50000 12.50x106 0.97 0.095 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN3533ZC220
N3839TC300 N1663CH30 3000 3839 49500 12.25x106 0.95 0.14 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN3839TC300
N3839TC350 N1663CH35 3500 3839 49500 12.25x106 0.95 0.14 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN3839TC350
N3839TD300 N1663DH30 3000 3839 49500 12.25x106 0.95 0.14 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN3839TD300
N3839TD350 N1663DH35 3500 3839 49500 12.25x106 0.95 0.14 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN3839TD350
N4085ZC080 N1600CH08 800 4085 64000 20.5x106 0.85 0.07 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN4085ZC080
N4085ZC120 N1600CH12 1200 4085 64000 20.5x106 0.85 0.07 125 0.011 W13 110x73x37 ATDN4085ZC120
N4151FC360 N1483CH36 3600 4151 54000 14.6x106 0.85 0.17 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN4151FC360
N4151FC420 N1483CH42 4200 4151 54000 14.6x106 0.85 0.17 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN4151FC420
N4151FD360 N1483DH36 3600 4151 54000 14.6x106 0.85 0.17 125 0.0065 W48 144x100x36 ATDN4151FD360
N4151FD420 N1483DH42 4200 4151 54000 14.6x106 0.85 0.17 125 0.0065 W48 144x100x36 ATDN4151FD420
N4400TC120 N1863CH12 1200 4400 54000 14.6x106 0.9 0.1 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN4400TC120
N4400TC280 N1863CH28 2800 4400 54000 14.6x106 0.9 0.1 125 0.008 W14 112x75x26 ATDN4400TC280
N4400TD120 N1863DH12 1200 4400 54000 14.6x106 0.9 0.1 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN4400TD120
N4400TD280 N1863DH28 2800 4400 54000 14.6x106 0.9 0.1 125 0.008 W19 112x75x26 ATDN4400TD280
N4803FC300 N1683CH30 3000 4803 60000 18.0x106 0.92 0.11 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN4803FC300
N4803FC350 N1683CH35 3500 4803 60000 18.0x106 0.92 0.11 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN4803FC350
N5177FC200 N1883CH20 2000 5177 67500 22.8x106 0.8 0.1 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN5177FC200
N5177FC280 N1883CH28 2800 5177 67500 22.8x106 0.8 0.1 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN5177FC280
N5946FC180 N1983CH18 1800 5946 72000 25.9x106 0.855 0.065 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN5946FC180
N5946FC220 N1983CH22 2200 5946 72000 25.9x106 0.855 0.065 125 0.0065 W15 144x100x36 ATDN5946FC220

Part Numbering Guide for Phase Control Thyristors:

A TDN 1351 VC 40 0
TDN Product group: Phase Control Thyristor (Disc type).
1351 Average on-state current IT(AV), Amp.
VC Housing (package) type.
40 Voltage code VRRM / 100.
0 Fixed turn-off time code.

High Power Semiconductors AS ENERGITM

Our company is engaged in the manufacturer and sale of wide range of power semiconductors (power thyristors, modules, rectifier diodes, avalanche, rotor and welding diodes, triacs etc.) currents up to 15000A and voltages to 9000V, and air and water heatsinks to them.
You can buy semiconductor devices in any volumes, and when ordering large lots, the price will be lower. We have earned the trust of customers and supply products all over the world.

For questions regarding the acquisition of Power Thyristors, Diodes, Modules send an email request to:

[email protected]

And we will provide you a commercial offer for delivery.
For a large number, we will provide an individual price!!!

We are open to manufacture products at our production facilities
according to your requests and technical task.

Photo Gallery

The photo gallery shows many different semiconductor devices, semiconductor chips and SCRs produced by AS ENERGITM, examples of test reports.

Photo of High Power Disc Thyristors:

Installation recommendations for power thyristors:

Assembling disc thyristor with a heatsink

The reliability of heat transfer and electrical contact between the mating surfaces of the thyristor and the cooler over the entire temperature range is ensured by appropriate torque (clamping force).

Before assembly you should perform visual inspection (1) contact surfaces for mechanical damages and wipe (2), soaked with alcohol (toluene, gasoline, acetone).

After inspection, fix the current contacts (leads), install a pin to fix the alignment of the structure.

To improve the parameters of heat transfer it is recommended to lubricate (3) a thin layer of silicone thermal conductive paste before the assembly, which is not a mandatory condition for installation.

Install the thyristor (3), the second part of the cooler, the fiberglass insulator and the thrust washer.

To thread the traverse (4) and evenly tighten the nuts. Make sure no misalignment and evenness of the contact surfaces.

When the parts are sufficiently clamped but moveable, we recommend placing the cooler on a flat surface and checking the tolerance for parallelism of the overall adjacent plane of the surfaces (5).

Clamp each nut in turn (about a quarter turn) to the stop (6). The amount of deflection of the traverse determines whether the achieved clamping force corresponds to the required one.

After installation, the fasteners (nuts and washers) must be additionally secured against corrosion.

Tips and recommendations for power thyristors:

The power thyristors should not be operated for long periods of time at their limit load for all parameters. In this case, the safety factor is determined by the required degree of reliability of the device.

Replace a failed power thyristor with a thyristor that matches the parameters of the one being replaced.

Supercooling must be provided when operating in an environment with an elevated ambient temperature.

Periodic cleaning of power thyristors and coolers to remove dust and contaminants is recommended to ensure proper heat dissipation.

Inductive current dividers (often twisted toroidal wire) should be used to equalize currents between power thyristors connected in parallel. The most popular connection methods are closed circuit, common coil circuit, or power thyristor. The efficiency of current dividers in this case is determined by the cross section of the magnetic wire.

Prevention of voltage unbalance when power thyristors are connected in series is achieved by using shunt resistors connected in parallel with each thyristor. Voltage equalization in transient conditions is provided by connecting capacitors in parallel to each thyristor.

It is strictly forbidden to touch power thyristors under high voltage during operation.

icon Why choose AS ENERGITM

  • Own production facilities, including semiconductor silicon chips production
  • European brand - 100% quality, favorable price, short production terms
  • Over 20 years of experience in the semiconductor industry
  • Clients from more than 50 countries trust us
  • 20000 items in the product line for currents from 10A to 15000A, voltages from 100V to 9000V
  • We produce analogues of other manufacturers' products
  • Guaranteed certified quality, warranty period of operation - 2 years


Quality Warranty

Our products are certified and correspond to international standards.
Our company provides a quality guarantee for products of 2 years.
We provide certificates of conformity, reliability reports, data sheets and technical passports at the request of the customer.


Each product is tested for the main parameters, and Test reports of the parameters for each product are provided.

Test Report

Geography of partnership

AS ENERGITM company manufactures and supplies power semiconductors to more than 50 countries around the world.


Logistics and Delivery

We deliver our products all over the world with the services of logistics companies: DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, Fedex, Aramex.
Products can be delivered by any means of transport: air, sea, rail and road.


AS ENERGITM Semiconductors Manufacturing

Our products range includes rectifier diodes, phase control thyristors in disc and stud design, avalanche diodes and thyristors, fast switching, high frequency thyristors, fast recovery, welding and rotor diodes, triacs, bridge rectifiers, power modules (thyristor, diode, thyristor-diode, IGBT), and air and water heatsinks to them.

Power diodes and thyristors are produced for currents from 10A to 15000A, voltage range from 100V to 9000V.
Power diode and thyristor modules are produced from 25A and up to 1250A, voltage range 400V - 4400V.
The range of power semiconductors also includes equivalent, replacement, analogue and alternative semiconductor devices of global manufacturers.

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Tags: Phase Control Thyristor, SCR Thyristor, presspack thyristor, power semiconductor, Westcode replacement, IXYS Discrete Semiconductor, Westpack outline, phase control thyristor price, scr thyristor datasheet, thyristor switching circuits, certificate, manufacturing, thyristors factory made, technical specification of power thyristor


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